Put down a deposit to be among the first to receive Zero and to help us build them faster!

9-14-24 Update:

The Deposit Program is about half-full and quickly growing. Jump in now to secure one of the first Zeroes off the line!

Here’s how this works:

  1. Purchase a Pre-Sale Deposit for $125 USD (excl. VAT).

  2. We will use this money to fund Zero’s manufacturing and pre-production costs. See our Timeline page for a detailed breakdown. (~4 months)

  3. When Zero is ready, pay an additional $324 USD (excl. VAT, a $50 USD discount).

  4. We will produce a special early run of Zero for deposit-holders. (~1 month)

  5. Zero is on its way!

Get up-to-date information about our production status – including estimated shipping timelines – at our Timeline page.

Deposits are non-refundable. Funds are immediately used to finance the development of injection mold tooling, the consumer protection certification process, and the fabrication of production circuitry test articles.

Deposit does not guarantee shipment date. However, Zero will be built and shipped to deposit-holders first.

A limited number of deposits are available. When we receive enough deposits to fully-fund our pre-production phase (injection mold tooling, consumer protection certification, etc.) we will close the deposit window.